Jesus is the mediator only for the 144,000
Jesus is not Mediator of the Great Crowd
Worldwide Security under the “Prince of Peace,” Page 10
“Likewise, the greater Moses, Jesus Christ, is not the Mediator between Jehovah God and all Mankind. He is the Mediator between his heavenly Father, Jehovah God, and the nation of spiritual Israel, which is limited to 144,000 members. The spiritual nation is like a little flock of Jehovah’s sheeplike ones.”
INSIGHTS on the SCRIPTURES, Volume Two, Page 360 says; “In the Scriptures the term is applied to Moses and Jesus, the mediators respectively of the Law covenant and the new covenant.-Ga 3:19; 1Ti. 2:5"
INSIGHTS on the SCRIPTURES, Volume Two, Page 360 says; “In this discussion he refers to Christ’s mediating the new covenant.”
INSIGHTS on the SCRIPTURES, Volume Two, Page 362 says; “Likewise Jesus Christ, God’s Mediator for the new covenant, after his sacrifice, appeared before Jehovah God with the value of his blood. Another likeness is that the Law covenant was made with a nation, not with individuals (Ex 24:7,8), and so, too the new covenant is made God’s ‘holy nation,’ ‘the Israel of God.’- 1 Pe 2:9; Ga 15, 16.”
INSIGHTS on the SCRIPTURES, Volume Two, Page 362 says; “He mediates the new covenant between God and those taken into the new covenant, the congregation of spiritual Israel.”
INSIGHTS on the SCRIPTURES, Volume Two, Page 362 says; “Christ became Mediator in order that the ones called ‘might receive the promise of the everlasting inheritance’ (Heb 9:15); he assists, not the angels, but ‘Abraham’s seed.’”
INSIGHTS on the SCRIPTURES, Volume Two, Page 362 says; “He assists those who are to be brought into the new covenant to be ‘adopted’ into Jehovah’s household of spiritual sons; these will eventually will be in heaven as Christ’s brothers, becoming a part with him of the seed of Abraham. (Ro 8:15-17, 23-25; Ga 3:29) He has transmitted to them the promised holy spirit, which spirit they are sealed and are given a token of what is to come, their heavenly inheritance.” “The total number of those who are finally and permanently sealed is revealed in Revelation 7:4-8 as 144,000.”
The Watchtower-February 1, 1989, page 10 says; It is thus understandable why Paul identified Jesus Christ as the principal part of the seed of Abraham according to this covenant.
9. The Watchtower-February 1, 1989, page 10 says; Paul went on to indicate that God would ‘multiply Abraham’s seed’ in the spiritual fulfillment. He wrote: “If you belong to Christ, you are really Abraham’s seed, heirs with reference to a promise.” (Genesis 22:17; Galatians 3:29) Such ones are the 144,000 spirit-anointed Christians who form a secondary part of the seed of Abraham. They are not in opposition to the primary part of the seed but “belong to Christ.” (1 Corinthians 1:2; 15:23) We know that many of them cannot trace their ancestry to Abraham, for they are from non-Jewish nations. More crucial in the spiritual fulfillment, though, they are not naturally part of the family of the Greater Abraham, Jehovah; rather, they come from the imperfect family of sinner Adam. So we will need to see from later covenants how they can qualify to become part of “Abraham’s seed.”
The Watchtower-February 1, 1989, page 15 says; We have already seen that God made a covenant with Abraham involving a seed who would be instrumental in blessing “all nations of the earth.” (Genesis 22:17, 18) The Israelites became a fleshly seed, but in the more important spiritual sense, Jesus Christ proved to be the principal part of the seed of Abraham. Jesus was also the Son, or Seed, of the Greater Abraham, Jehovah. Christians who “belong to Christ” make up the secondary part of the seed of Abraham. (Galatians 3:16, 29) After forming the Abrahamic covenant, God temporarily added the Law covenant with the nation of Israel. It proved that the Israelites were sinners who needed a permanent priest and a perfect sacrifice. It guarded the line of the Seed and helped to identify him. The Law covenant also showed that, somehow, God would bring forth a nation of king-priests. While the Law was still in effect, God made a covenant with David to have a kingly dynasty in Israel. The Davidic Kingdom covenant also pointed to someone having permanent rulership over the earth.
The Watchtower-February 1, 1989, page 15 says; Now God would deal with Jews and Gentiles who by faith were figuratively ‘circumcised in the heart by spirit.’ This harmonizes with his saying that those in the new covenant would have ‘his laws written in their mind and in their hearts.’ (Romans 2:28, 29; Hebrews 8:10) Paul called such spiritual Jews “the Israel of God.”—Galatians 6:16; James 1:1.
The Watchtower-February 1, 1989, page 15 says; Consequently, the new covenant works with the preexisting Abrahamic covenant to produce the secondary part of the seed. This new covenant between Jehovah and spirit-begotten Christians allows for the formation of a heavenly nation of king-priests in the royal family of the Greater Abraham. We can see, then, why Paul said that this is “a correspondingly better covenant, which has been legally established upon better promises.” (Hebrews 8:6) Those promises include the blessing of having God’s law written in the hearts of devoted ones whose sins are not called to mind, and with all ‘knowing Jehovah, from the least to the greatest.’—Hebrews 8:11.
The Watchtower-February 1, 1989, page 15 says; The 11 apostles had certainly stuck with Jesus in his trials, and the covenant showed that they would sit on thrones. Further, Revelation 3:21 proves that all spirit-begotten Christians who prove faithful will sit on heavenly thrones. Thus, this covenant is with all 144,000 who have been bought with Jesus’ blood to be taken to heaven as priests and “to rule as kings over the earth.” (Revelation 1:4-6; 5:9, 10; 20:6) The covenant that Jesus makes with them joins them to him to share his dominion. In a sense, it is as though a bride from a noble family was joined by marriage to a ruling monarch. She thus comes into position to share his kingdom rule.—John 3:29; 2 Corinthians 11:2; Revelation 19:7, 8.
The Watchtower-February 1, 1989, page 30 says; To grasp what Paul is saying, we must first appreciate that the Bible sets out two destinies for faithful humans: (1) perfect life on a restored earthly paradise and (2) life in heaven for Christ’s “little flock,” numbering 144,000. (Luke 12:32; Revelation 5:10; 14:1-3)
The Watchtower-February 1, 1989, page 30 says; It laid the basis for some of Christ’s followers, beginning with the apostles, to gain “entry into the holy place,” heaven itself.
The Watchtower-February 1, 1989, Page 20 says; So Jesus as Mediator of the new covenant serves as a legal pledge that “a better hope” would be realized.
The Watchtower-February 1, 1989, page 30 says; Both other occurrences of ar·ra·bon´ also deal with God’s anointing of Christians with spirit, bringing them an ‘everlasting reward or inheritance in the heavens’ as spirit sons of God.
The Watchtower-February 1, 1989, page 30 says; Clearly, then, the new covenant is not a loose arrangement open to all mankind. It is a carefully arranged legal provision involving God and anointed Christians.
The Watchtower-February 1, 1989, page 31 says; A modern-day illustration may help to clarify this, especially if you are not a spirit-anointed Christian. Think of a legal case in which an attorney is involved. His role may be not so much that of a lawyer arguing for justice as that of one who is mediating or bringing about a legal contract acceptable to and beneficial to two parties. Of course, you are not in that legal case, so in that sense he is not serving as your attorney. Yet he may be your very close friend who in other ways gives you valuable help.
The Watchtower-February 1, 1989, page 31 says; The people of all nations who have the hope of everlasting life on earth benefit even now from Jesus’ services. Though he is not their legal Mediator, for they are not in the new covenant, he is their means of approaching Jehovah.
The Watchtower-February 1, 1989, page 31 says; Jesus is also a corresponding ransom for all in that covenant, both Jews and Gentiles, who will receive immortal life in heaven.
The Watchtower-February 1, 1989, page 31 says; Those of ‘the whole world’ are all who will gain eternal life in a restored earthly paradise. Millions of such approved servants of God now have that earthly hope. They view Jesus as their High Priest and King through whom they can daily gain approach to Jehovah. They rely on Jesus’ ransom, which is available to them, just as it will be to men such as Abraham, David, and John the Baptizer when these are resurrected. (Matthew 20:28) Thus, Christ’s sacrifice will lead to everlasting life for all obedient mankind.
The Watchtower-May 15, 1997, page 11 says; “As mediator of the law, Moses foreshadowed Jesus, the Mediator of the new covenant.”
The Watchtower-February 1, 1998, page 17 says; "When mediating the new covenant, Jesus made an additional covenant with his followers, saying: I make a covenant with you, just as my Father has made a covenant with me, for a kingdom.'" "His spirit-anointed disciples are the holy ones' who share with him in that Kingdom."
25. The Watchtower-February 1, 1998, page 19 says; "For the 144,000, the blessing of the Abrahamic is administered through the new covenant. As participants in this covenant, they come under undeserved kindness' and under law toward Christ.” "Members of the great crowd are not participants in the new covenant.”
The Watchtower-February 1, 1998, page 20 says; "Fittingly, then, Paul reminded them: [Jesus] is a mediator of a new covenant, in order that ... the ones who have been called might receive the promise of the everlasting inheritance.'" "Thanks to the new covenant, they could embrace the promise of the everlasting [heavenly] inheritance.'"
The Watchtower 8/15/89 Pages 30-31 Questions From Readers: The Watchtower Announcing Jehovah’s Kingdom Online
Does this mean that there is a specific legal sense involved in Jesus’ role as Mediator? Yes.
The “better covenant” was the new covenant, which replaced the covenant mediated by Moses. (Hebrews 8:7-13) The new covenant was “legally established.”
So Jesus as Mediator of the new covenant serves as a legal pledge that “a better hope” would be realized.--Hebrews 7:19.
Sometimes an attorney’s work produces results that benefit many others. So it is with Jesus’ legal accomplishments as Mediator of the new covenant. It produces what the Law covenant did not, a heavenly “kingdom of priests.” (Exodus 19:6; 1 Peter 2:9) Thereafter anointed Christians in the Kingdom will work with Jesus from heaven to bring a blessing to “all nations of the earth.”--Genesis 22:18.
The people of all nations who have the hope of everlasting life on earth benefit even now from Jesus’ services. Though he is not their legal Mediator, for they are not in the new covenant, he is their means of approaching Jehovah.
Consequently, 1 Timothy 2:5, 6 is not using “mediator” in the broad sense common in many languages. It is not saying that Jesus is a mediator between God and all mankind. Rather, it refers to Christ as legal Mediator (or, “attorney”) of the new covenant, this being the restricted way in which the Bible uses the term. Jesus is also a corresponding ransom for all in that covenant, both Jews and Gentiles, who will receive immortal life in heaven. The apostle John referred to these at 1 John 2:2.
The Watchtower 12/15/08, Pages 13-14
11, 12. How is Jesus’ role as Mediator unique?
12 The original-language word translated “mediator” is a legal term. It refers to Jesus as a legal Mediator (or, in a sense, an attorney) of the new covenant that made possible the birth of a new nation, “the Israel of God.” (Gal. 6:16) This nation is composed of spirit-anointed Christians, who form a heavenly “royal priesthood.” (1 Pet. 2:9; Ex. 19:6) The Law covenant, with Moses as mediator, was not able to produce a nation like that.
13. What is involved in Jesus’ role as Mediator?
13 What does Jesus’ role as Mediator involve? Well, Jehovah applies the value of Jesus’ blood to those being brought into the new covenant. In this way, Jehovah legally credits them with righteousness. (Rom. 3:24; Heb. 9:15) God can then take them into the new covenant with the prospect of their becoming heavenly king-priests! As their Mediator, Jesus assists them in maintaining a clean standing before God.--Heb. 2:16.
The Watchtower 10/15/14 pages 10-15 online
11 God would put his laws in their mind and in their hearts. (Hebrews 8:10) The new covenant includes 144,000 anointed ones. They make up a new nation that is called “the Israel of God,” or spiritual Israel.--Galatians 6:16; Revelation 14:1, 4.
14 The new covenant creates the nation of spiritual Israel and is the legal basis for anointed ones to become “joint heirs with Christ.” But how can anointed ones rule with Jesus as kings and priests in heaven? Another legal agreement allows for that.
15 Instead, this is a personal covenant between Jesus and the anointed.
Mediator: Someone who is assigned by Jehovah to help humans benefit from an agreement with God. Moses was the mediator of the Law covenant between Jehovah and the nation of Israel. Jesus is the Mediator of the new covenant between Jehovah and spiritual Israel
Worldwide Security under the “Prince of Peace,” Page 10
“Likewise, the greater Moses, Jesus Christ, is not the Mediator between Jehovah God and all Mankind. He is the Mediator between his heavenly Father, Jehovah God, and the nation of spiritual Israel, which is limited to 144,000 members. The spiritual nation is like a little flock of Jehovah’s sheeplike ones.”
INSIGHTS on the SCRIPTURES, Volume Two, Page 360 says; “In the Scriptures the term is applied to Moses and Jesus, the mediators respectively of the Law covenant and the new covenant.-Ga 3:19; 1Ti. 2:5"
INSIGHTS on the SCRIPTURES, Volume Two, Page 360 says; “In this discussion he refers to Christ’s mediating the new covenant.”
INSIGHTS on the SCRIPTURES, Volume Two, Page 362 says; “Likewise Jesus Christ, God’s Mediator for the new covenant, after his sacrifice, appeared before Jehovah God with the value of his blood. Another likeness is that the Law covenant was made with a nation, not with individuals (Ex 24:7,8), and so, too the new covenant is made God’s ‘holy nation,’ ‘the Israel of God.’- 1 Pe 2:9; Ga 15, 16.”
INSIGHTS on the SCRIPTURES, Volume Two, Page 362 says; “He mediates the new covenant between God and those taken into the new covenant, the congregation of spiritual Israel.”
INSIGHTS on the SCRIPTURES, Volume Two, Page 362 says; “Christ became Mediator in order that the ones called ‘might receive the promise of the everlasting inheritance’ (Heb 9:15); he assists, not the angels, but ‘Abraham’s seed.’”
INSIGHTS on the SCRIPTURES, Volume Two, Page 362 says; “He assists those who are to be brought into the new covenant to be ‘adopted’ into Jehovah’s household of spiritual sons; these will eventually will be in heaven as Christ’s brothers, becoming a part with him of the seed of Abraham. (Ro 8:15-17, 23-25; Ga 3:29) He has transmitted to them the promised holy spirit, which spirit they are sealed and are given a token of what is to come, their heavenly inheritance.” “The total number of those who are finally and permanently sealed is revealed in Revelation 7:4-8 as 144,000.”
The Watchtower-February 1, 1989, page 10 says; It is thus understandable why Paul identified Jesus Christ as the principal part of the seed of Abraham according to this covenant.
9. The Watchtower-February 1, 1989, page 10 says; Paul went on to indicate that God would ‘multiply Abraham’s seed’ in the spiritual fulfillment. He wrote: “If you belong to Christ, you are really Abraham’s seed, heirs with reference to a promise.” (Genesis 22:17; Galatians 3:29) Such ones are the 144,000 spirit-anointed Christians who form a secondary part of the seed of Abraham. They are not in opposition to the primary part of the seed but “belong to Christ.” (1 Corinthians 1:2; 15:23) We know that many of them cannot trace their ancestry to Abraham, for they are from non-Jewish nations. More crucial in the spiritual fulfillment, though, they are not naturally part of the family of the Greater Abraham, Jehovah; rather, they come from the imperfect family of sinner Adam. So we will need to see from later covenants how they can qualify to become part of “Abraham’s seed.”
The Watchtower-February 1, 1989, page 15 says; We have already seen that God made a covenant with Abraham involving a seed who would be instrumental in blessing “all nations of the earth.” (Genesis 22:17, 18) The Israelites became a fleshly seed, but in the more important spiritual sense, Jesus Christ proved to be the principal part of the seed of Abraham. Jesus was also the Son, or Seed, of the Greater Abraham, Jehovah. Christians who “belong to Christ” make up the secondary part of the seed of Abraham. (Galatians 3:16, 29) After forming the Abrahamic covenant, God temporarily added the Law covenant with the nation of Israel. It proved that the Israelites were sinners who needed a permanent priest and a perfect sacrifice. It guarded the line of the Seed and helped to identify him. The Law covenant also showed that, somehow, God would bring forth a nation of king-priests. While the Law was still in effect, God made a covenant with David to have a kingly dynasty in Israel. The Davidic Kingdom covenant also pointed to someone having permanent rulership over the earth.
The Watchtower-February 1, 1989, page 15 says; Now God would deal with Jews and Gentiles who by faith were figuratively ‘circumcised in the heart by spirit.’ This harmonizes with his saying that those in the new covenant would have ‘his laws written in their mind and in their hearts.’ (Romans 2:28, 29; Hebrews 8:10) Paul called such spiritual Jews “the Israel of God.”—Galatians 6:16; James 1:1.
The Watchtower-February 1, 1989, page 15 says; Consequently, the new covenant works with the preexisting Abrahamic covenant to produce the secondary part of the seed. This new covenant between Jehovah and spirit-begotten Christians allows for the formation of a heavenly nation of king-priests in the royal family of the Greater Abraham. We can see, then, why Paul said that this is “a correspondingly better covenant, which has been legally established upon better promises.” (Hebrews 8:6) Those promises include the blessing of having God’s law written in the hearts of devoted ones whose sins are not called to mind, and with all ‘knowing Jehovah, from the least to the greatest.’—Hebrews 8:11.
The Watchtower-February 1, 1989, page 15 says; The 11 apostles had certainly stuck with Jesus in his trials, and the covenant showed that they would sit on thrones. Further, Revelation 3:21 proves that all spirit-begotten Christians who prove faithful will sit on heavenly thrones. Thus, this covenant is with all 144,000 who have been bought with Jesus’ blood to be taken to heaven as priests and “to rule as kings over the earth.” (Revelation 1:4-6; 5:9, 10; 20:6) The covenant that Jesus makes with them joins them to him to share his dominion. In a sense, it is as though a bride from a noble family was joined by marriage to a ruling monarch. She thus comes into position to share his kingdom rule.—John 3:29; 2 Corinthians 11:2; Revelation 19:7, 8.
The Watchtower-February 1, 1989, page 30 says; To grasp what Paul is saying, we must first appreciate that the Bible sets out two destinies for faithful humans: (1) perfect life on a restored earthly paradise and (2) life in heaven for Christ’s “little flock,” numbering 144,000. (Luke 12:32; Revelation 5:10; 14:1-3)
The Watchtower-February 1, 1989, page 30 says; It laid the basis for some of Christ’s followers, beginning with the apostles, to gain “entry into the holy place,” heaven itself.
The Watchtower-February 1, 1989, Page 20 says; So Jesus as Mediator of the new covenant serves as a legal pledge that “a better hope” would be realized.
The Watchtower-February 1, 1989, page 30 says; Both other occurrences of ar·ra·bon´ also deal with God’s anointing of Christians with spirit, bringing them an ‘everlasting reward or inheritance in the heavens’ as spirit sons of God.
The Watchtower-February 1, 1989, page 30 says; Clearly, then, the new covenant is not a loose arrangement open to all mankind. It is a carefully arranged legal provision involving God and anointed Christians.
The Watchtower-February 1, 1989, page 31 says; A modern-day illustration may help to clarify this, especially if you are not a spirit-anointed Christian. Think of a legal case in which an attorney is involved. His role may be not so much that of a lawyer arguing for justice as that of one who is mediating or bringing about a legal contract acceptable to and beneficial to two parties. Of course, you are not in that legal case, so in that sense he is not serving as your attorney. Yet he may be your very close friend who in other ways gives you valuable help.
The Watchtower-February 1, 1989, page 31 says; The people of all nations who have the hope of everlasting life on earth benefit even now from Jesus’ services. Though he is not their legal Mediator, for they are not in the new covenant, he is their means of approaching Jehovah.
The Watchtower-February 1, 1989, page 31 says; Jesus is also a corresponding ransom for all in that covenant, both Jews and Gentiles, who will receive immortal life in heaven.
The Watchtower-February 1, 1989, page 31 says; Those of ‘the whole world’ are all who will gain eternal life in a restored earthly paradise. Millions of such approved servants of God now have that earthly hope. They view Jesus as their High Priest and King through whom they can daily gain approach to Jehovah. They rely on Jesus’ ransom, which is available to them, just as it will be to men such as Abraham, David, and John the Baptizer when these are resurrected. (Matthew 20:28) Thus, Christ’s sacrifice will lead to everlasting life for all obedient mankind.
The Watchtower-May 15, 1997, page 11 says; “As mediator of the law, Moses foreshadowed Jesus, the Mediator of the new covenant.”
The Watchtower-February 1, 1998, page 17 says; "When mediating the new covenant, Jesus made an additional covenant with his followers, saying: I make a covenant with you, just as my Father has made a covenant with me, for a kingdom.'" "His spirit-anointed disciples are the holy ones' who share with him in that Kingdom."
25. The Watchtower-February 1, 1998, page 19 says; "For the 144,000, the blessing of the Abrahamic is administered through the new covenant. As participants in this covenant, they come under undeserved kindness' and under law toward Christ.” "Members of the great crowd are not participants in the new covenant.”
The Watchtower-February 1, 1998, page 20 says; "Fittingly, then, Paul reminded them: [Jesus] is a mediator of a new covenant, in order that ... the ones who have been called might receive the promise of the everlasting inheritance.'" "Thanks to the new covenant, they could embrace the promise of the everlasting [heavenly] inheritance.'"
The Watchtower 8/15/89 Pages 30-31 Questions From Readers: The Watchtower Announcing Jehovah’s Kingdom Online
Does this mean that there is a specific legal sense involved in Jesus’ role as Mediator? Yes.
The “better covenant” was the new covenant, which replaced the covenant mediated by Moses. (Hebrews 8:7-13) The new covenant was “legally established.”
So Jesus as Mediator of the new covenant serves as a legal pledge that “a better hope” would be realized.--Hebrews 7:19.
Sometimes an attorney’s work produces results that benefit many others. So it is with Jesus’ legal accomplishments as Mediator of the new covenant. It produces what the Law covenant did not, a heavenly “kingdom of priests.” (Exodus 19:6; 1 Peter 2:9) Thereafter anointed Christians in the Kingdom will work with Jesus from heaven to bring a blessing to “all nations of the earth.”--Genesis 22:18.
The people of all nations who have the hope of everlasting life on earth benefit even now from Jesus’ services. Though he is not their legal Mediator, for they are not in the new covenant, he is their means of approaching Jehovah.
Consequently, 1 Timothy 2:5, 6 is not using “mediator” in the broad sense common in many languages. It is not saying that Jesus is a mediator between God and all mankind. Rather, it refers to Christ as legal Mediator (or, “attorney”) of the new covenant, this being the restricted way in which the Bible uses the term. Jesus is also a corresponding ransom for all in that covenant, both Jews and Gentiles, who will receive immortal life in heaven. The apostle John referred to these at 1 John 2:2.
The Watchtower 12/15/08, Pages 13-14
11, 12. How is Jesus’ role as Mediator unique?
12 The original-language word translated “mediator” is a legal term. It refers to Jesus as a legal Mediator (or, in a sense, an attorney) of the new covenant that made possible the birth of a new nation, “the Israel of God.” (Gal. 6:16) This nation is composed of spirit-anointed Christians, who form a heavenly “royal priesthood.” (1 Pet. 2:9; Ex. 19:6) The Law covenant, with Moses as mediator, was not able to produce a nation like that.
13. What is involved in Jesus’ role as Mediator?
13 What does Jesus’ role as Mediator involve? Well, Jehovah applies the value of Jesus’ blood to those being brought into the new covenant. In this way, Jehovah legally credits them with righteousness. (Rom. 3:24; Heb. 9:15) God can then take them into the new covenant with the prospect of their becoming heavenly king-priests! As their Mediator, Jesus assists them in maintaining a clean standing before God.--Heb. 2:16.
The Watchtower 10/15/14 pages 10-15 online
11 God would put his laws in their mind and in their hearts. (Hebrews 8:10) The new covenant includes 144,000 anointed ones. They make up a new nation that is called “the Israel of God,” or spiritual Israel.--Galatians 6:16; Revelation 14:1, 4.
14 The new covenant creates the nation of spiritual Israel and is the legal basis for anointed ones to become “joint heirs with Christ.” But how can anointed ones rule with Jesus as kings and priests in heaven? Another legal agreement allows for that.
15 Instead, this is a personal covenant between Jesus and the anointed.
Mediator: Someone who is assigned by Jehovah to help humans benefit from an agreement with God. Moses was the mediator of the Law covenant between Jehovah and the nation of Israel. Jesus is the Mediator of the new covenant between Jehovah and spiritual Israel